2025 annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest The Second Round of the annual Free Throw contest was held at Century Middle School on February 8th. The winners are moving on to the final round in Oakdale on Feburary 16th. Congratulations to the winners. The Knights of Columbus Lakeville Council #8367 held the annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw contest on Friday, January 10th at Lakeville South High School. A number of Lakeville students participated in the competition. Congratulations to the winners of the first round. Lakeville Knights of Columbus Omelet Breakfast The Lakeville Knights of Columbus held an Omelet Breakfast on February 16, 2025. Funds raised at the event help the council donate to different organizations in the community. It was held at All Saints Catholic Church. The next one will be on March 2 and will be partnered with BSA Troop 260. A large portion of the funds raised at this Omelet Breakfast will go to support BSA Troop 260. Lakeville Knights
of Columbus Council Fish Supper
Congratulations to Lakeville Council #8367 softball players who won the State Tournament held in North Mankato.
New translation of the Marian mass book donated to All Saints Church Fr. Wilson accepts the new translation of the Marian mass book donated to All Saints by the Lakeville Knights and Auxiliary. Fr. Wilson (right) is pictured with Lakeville Past Grand Knight Bob Curtis.
KC Softball League
Lakeville #8367 Team