Lakeville Knights
of Columbus Council Fish Supper

Congratulations to Lakeville Council #8367 softball
players who won the State Tournament held in
North Mankato.

Knights of Columbus host Pancake Breakfast to raise
funds for All Saints Catholic School sports.
New translation of
the Marian mass book donated to All Saints Church
Fr. Wilson accepts the new translation of the
Marian mass book donated to All Saints by the
Lakeville Knights and Auxiliary. Fr. Wilson
(right) is pictured with Lakeville Grand Knight Bob
KC Softball League
Lakeville hosted their KC League tournament on
August 19th at Aronson Park. the league consists
of teams from the following councils: Lakeville,
Farmington, Apple Valley, Eagan, Rosemont and
Hastings. Regular season league games are held
in Lakeville, Farmington, Rosemont and Vermillion.

Lakeville #8367 Team
Shakopee Council
wins Softball "Over 30" tournament
The 2012 "Over 30" Knights of Columbus
softball tournament was hosted this year by Lakeville
Council #8367 at Aronson Park in Lakeville on August
25th and 26th. The following teams from around
the state participated: Lakeville, Farmington,
Rosemont, Apple Valley, Anoka, Shakopee, Cloquet,
North Minneapolis, North Mankato, Faribault and Sleepy

2012 Tournament winner
May 2010 Crowning
Sunday May 16, 2010 was a beautiful sunny day.
We honored Mary by having two May Crownings at All
Saints Church, Lakeville, MN. The first one was after
the 9:00 mass and Fr. Ebert presided. Fr. Wilson
presided at the Mary crowing after the 11:00 mass. The
procession out to the Mary Garden was lead by All
Saints 4th Degree Sir Knights.